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Top 3 Types of Content that Get the Most Attention

In SEO terms when we talk about attention, it means getting backlinks from reputable sites. Backlinks are the most practiced way to get organic traffic for startups and small businesses. More sites linking to a landing page means higher rankings in the long term.

SEO services in the USA are unable to function to full effect if the backlinks lack quality.

The discussion brings us to our next question.

How do we get quality backlinks?

We can easily pay a handful of low-quality websites and ask them to link to us but the practice won’t get us anything in return. Instead, it will hurt our rankings permanently. Google, under its Penguin Algorithm, values quality over quantity of a backlink. Therefore, links from high-quality domains are essential to improve a page’s position in Google.

There are many ways to acquire backlinks but most of them depend on content. How valuable is it? Is it something of value and rather new that no one else on the web has produced so far? That kind of content attracts people and websites to start linking to it.

Regardless of the industry, it isn’t easy to come up with content that attracts backlinks. Here are 3 content ideas to be purposeful, innovative and target-driven at the same time.

Leveraging Digital Marketing Services is an Elixir for Brands

Research – Data and Statistics

Every content marketer needs facts to support their arguments. Usually, an article carries data and statistical information as evidence in support of the views in it. Therefore, the type of information that involves conducting research involving a group of people is creative and good for backlinks.

For instance, Ahrefs did a study on 1 billion web pages to find out how many pages got traffic from Google. The results of the study were alarming. Turns out, 90.88% of the pages never got any traffic from Google, and last time I checked, the page had received 844 backlinks.

I know it takes time to conduct your research, thus, calls for another way out. The second way is to collect statistics about the same topic from different sources and write them down as one single article.

So, there you go.   


Guide on Industry-related Topics

Another way to attract backlinks is to write tutorials or guides on specific topics. Digital marketing services in the US are likely to narrate such guides to create attention around their clients’ pages. It could be an A-Z ‘how to’ article that explains the functioning of service. The advantage of this type of content is that when people don’t have enough space to explain something in full, they refer to your page.

Either do that or create a list of tools that help the audience in any way. For instance, lists of social media tools are popular. People usually don’t have the time to look for them one by one. Hence, articles that definitively explain such tools crucially help. If people find such tools in the form of an article and those tools are useful enough, they would refer to that article time after time. It could be a goldmine of referral traffic.


Visually Appeal to the Digital Corridors

What is visually appealing? Videos and infographics!

Infographics are one of the best ways to create backlinks because they are easy to share. It is as simple as it gets. Create an infographic befitting the audience of your website, find websites that share information on it, and make the exchange (publish infographic for something in return). See, now that wasn’t so difficult. Was it?

Backlinko has successfully done that. The infographic by Backlinko on ‘how to build backlinks using infographics’ boosted their traffic by 175%.

Video content is another way to grab attention. SEO optimization and video marketing both are tested ways to boost traffic. Video content is 12 times more likely to be shared on social channels than images and text combined. IPS USA, as a social media marketing company, likes to be part of the digital scene. Consequently, the article narrates techniques for SEO success on every front.

What is your secret recipe to generate high-quality backlinks?